Installs in seconds and unrolls to fit any desk, workspace, or restaurant.
Flexible Jordan Defense Shield™ Is Made of Sturdy, Recyclable Polyester, Ships in a Compact Roll, and Can Be Readily Reinstalled as Protection Requirements Change
Maguire Products, Inc. now markets to schools, workplaces, and retail businesses a flexible shield for safe social distancing that can be installed and uninstalled in seconds and made to fit any space by simply unrolling the shield to the required length.
Drawing on its assembly capabilities as a supplier to the global plastics machinery market, Maguire manufactures the patent-pending Jordan Defense Shield™ from sturdy PET film and ships it as a compact roll with rods attached at either end of the roll. Magnets and adhesive discs are provided for vertically mounting the rods, with no tools needed. Desk clamps are available as alternatives. Video of a typical installation can be seen at
“The versatility of the Jordan Defense Shield eliminates the assembly effort required by the rigid sheet now widely offered as protection from Covid-19,” said Frank Kavanagh, vice president of sales and marketing for Maguire Products. “For deployment in restaurants and retail stores where shielding needs are constantly shifting, our shields can be removed and relocated over and over, with appropriate changes in length.”
The Jordan Defense Shield as the latest example of how the advantages of plastics have become prominent in the COVID-19 pandemic. “The ease with which the Jordan Defense Shield can be deployed is attributable to the flexibility and light weight of plastics,” said Mr. Kavanagh. “The film is crystal-clear and, like all PET polyester, recyclable.”
The Jordan Defense Shield is available worldwide. Discounts are available for bulk orders, and standard shipping for these is free in the contiguous U.S.
The Jordan Defense Shield brand is headquartered at 11 Crozerville Road, Aston, PA 19014 U.S.A. Tel: +1-610-459-4300. To order online, visit