Mgauire Taiwan Office is Opened by Staff

Maguire Taiwan Opens

Maguire Taiwan opens to serve important Taiwanese market, expanding the global network supporting Maguire customers.

Maguire Taiwan is the sixth international subsidiary, providing sales, technical support, stocks of equipment and parts, and a fully functioning lab for trials.

The new company will serve local customers with sales and technical support for Maguire® Weigh Scale Blenders, ULTRA® Low Energy Dryers, MGF™ gravimetric feeders, Clear-Vu™ loading systems, and other Maguire equipment brands. It will stock a select number of fully assembled machines and a complete range of spare parts. The Taichung City facility will include a demonstration facility where customers and prospects can see Maguire equipment in operation. 

Maguire Taiwan is a subsidiary of Singapore-based Maguire Asia, whose managing director is Hubert Nerlich. “Maguire has created Maguire Taiwan to provide direct service to a market of considerable size and importance that until now we have served through agents,” said Mr. Nerlich. “There are many Taiwanese plastics processors operating both domestically and abroad, plus a large number of OEM suppliers who specify our auxiliary systems for use in complete production lines.”

The new company’s general manager Danniel Hsieh will head a staff of factory-trained sales and technical service specialists.

All Maguire products are manufactured at facilities in Aston, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Maguire Taiwan is the sixth international subsidiary representing Maguire Products. Maguire China is another subsidiary of Maguire Asia. Three additional companies are Maguire Europe, Maguire Canada, and Maguire IMEA, which serves the Middle East, India, and Africa.

"International sales are a substantial part of Maguire’s business, and in fact our Weigh Scale Blender is the most widely used blender in the world," said Frank Kavanagh, vice president of marketing and sales. “Our global network of subsidiaries and agents ensures that customers everywhere receive expert sales and technical service and ready access to equipment made to the same exacting standards of precision, reliability, and ease of use."

Maguire Products Taiwan, Co., Ltd. is headquartered at No. 17, Sec. 1, Wenhua Road, Wuqi District, Taichung City 435, Taiwan (R.O.C.). Mobile: +886-937-117-780. Mobile: +886-4-26581535. Email:

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